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Medicaid and Disability Links

Louisiana Medicaid Programs, Services, & Benefits
NOW - New Opportunities Waiver

The mission of the NOW is to utilize the principles of Self Determination to supplement the family and/or community supports while supporting dignity, quality of life, and security in the everyday lives of people while maintaining the Recipient in the community. The NOW includes an array of services aimed at assisting people to live as independently as possible.

Children's Choice Waiver

The Children's Choice Waiver began February 21, 2001 to offer supplemental support to children with developmental disabilities who currently live at home with their families or with a foster family.  Waiver participants are eligible for all medically necessary Medicaid services, including Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) screenings. 

Act 421 Children's Medicaid Option

Act 421 of the 2019 Regular Legislative Session tasked the Louisiana Department of Health with starting a program that lets certain children with disabilities receive Medicaid coverage, even if their parents earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid.

Supports Waiver

Supports Waiver offers focused, individualized vocational services to people age 18 and older who otherwise would require the level of care of an Intermediate Care Facility for the Developmentally Disabled (ICFs/DD).

Residential Options Waiver

The purpose of the Residential Options Waiver (ROW), a 1915 C waiver, is to assist service participants in leading healthy, independent and productive lives to the fullest extent possible; promote the full exercise of their rights as citizens of the state of Louisiana; and promote the integrity and well-being of their families. Services are provided with the goal of promoting independence through strengthening the individual’s capacity for self-care and self-sufficiency. 

Community Choices Waiver

What is the Community Choices Waiver Program?  The Community Choices Waiver Program provides services in the home and in the community to elders or adults with disabilities who qualify.  This program does not, by itself or in combination with other OAAS programs, provide supports 24 hours a day.

My Place Louisiana

My Place Louisiana is the state's program for the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration, designed to help states try new ways of delivering Medicaid services. The demonstration program is designed to help people to move, or "transition" from an institution into home and community-based settings, such as a home or apartment.


EarlySteps provides services to families with infants and toddlers aged birth to three years (36 months) who have a medical condition likely to result in a developmental delay, or who have developmental delays.

Flexible Family Fund

A cash subsidy of $258 per month for families with children with severe disabilities. The plan listed qualifying exceptionalities as: developmental delay for children between the ages of three through eight years, autism, mental disability/severe, mental disability/profound, deaf-blind, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, other health impairment and orthopedic impairment and emotional disturbance as determined by the Department of Education (Bulletin 1506).

LaCHIP - LA Children's Health Insurance Program

The Louisiana Children’s Health Insurance Program, or LaCHIP, provides health care to uninsured children up to age 19. It is a no-cost health program that pays for children’s hospital care, doctor visits, prescription drugs, shots and more. 

Adult Day Health Care Waiver

What is the Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) Waiver program? It is a special program that provides certain services for five (5) or more hours per day in a licensed and Medicaid enrolled Adult Day Health Care Facility to people who qualify.

Medicaid Behavioral Health

In addition to receiving medical services for their physical health, Medicaid recipients have access to behavioral health services, such as mental health or substance abuse treatment. The Medicaid Behavioral Health Section oversees these services.(ICFs/DD).

Long Term Care - Personal Services

Long-Term Personal Care Services Program provides Long Term-Personal Care Services program provides help with activities of daily living for persons who qualify for assistance under the program guidelines. This program does not, by itself or in combination with other OAAS programs, provide 24 hour per day supports..

Medicaid Purchase Plan

Louisiana’s Medicaid Purchase Plan is a Medicaid program that offers affordable health coverage to people with disabilities who work.

Medicare Savings Program

Louisiana Medicaid may help pay part of medical costs, including Medicare premiums or other out-of-pocket expenses, and monthly premiums (up to $35) for Medicare Prescription Drug Plan(Medicare Part D) for senior citizens who meet certain qualifications.


Through the LaMOMS program, pregnant women of working families, either married or single, have access to no-cost health care coverage.

Community Choices Waiver

The Community Choices Waiver Program provides services in the home and in the community to elders or adults with disabilities who qualify.

PACE - Prog. of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly

Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) coordinates and provides all needed preventive, primary health, acute and long term care services so that older adults can continue living in the community while enhancing their quality of life. This program provides services across all care settings on a 24 hour basis each day of the year.

EPSDT - Personal Care Services

The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program is a child-specific component of the Medicaid program in each state. EPSDT is designed to make comprehensive preventive and primary health care available and accessible to low-income Medicaid eligible children under age 21.

Family Opportunity Act Medicaid

Family Opportunity Act Medicaid provides health coverage to uninsured or underinsured children who have disabilities in families with too much income to qualify for regular Medicaid or LaCHIP.

Community and Family Supports Program

The Community and Family Support Program is intended to provide goods and/or services in a flexible manner to eligible people with severe physical and/or cognitive disabilities in order to help them live independently.

Coordinated System of Care

The State of Louisiana (State) is undertaking the development of a Coordinated System of Care (CSoC) for Louisiana's at-risk children and youth with significant behavioral health challenges or co-occurring disorders in or at imminent risk of institutionalization.

Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security Links
Louisiana Medicaid Office

Medicaid is the state's health coverage program for low-income residents who meet certain eligibility qualifications.

Louisiana Medicaid Services Chart

Comprehensive listing of various Medicaid services and benefits provided by Louisiana Medicaid.

Office for Citizens w/ Developmental Disabilities

The Louisiana Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) is an office of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, serving people with developmental disabilities and their families and professionals who provide support and services.

Services & Programs Administered by OCDD

The Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) serves as the Single Point of Entry into the developmental disabilities services system.  Request for Service Registry Dates for New Opportunities Waiver (NOW), Supports Waiver, and Chidren's Choice Waiver can be found here.

Healthy Louisiana

By expanding Medicaid, we can provide health insurance coverage to the more than 300.000 Louisianans who can't afford insurance on their own.

Office of Aging and Adult Services (OAAS)

The Louisiana Office of Aging and Adult Services (OAAS) brings together all of the long-term care programs that serve aging adults and people with adult-onset disabilities.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
The Supplemental Security Income (SS) program pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. SSI benefits also are payable to people 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial limits.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

CMS provides health coveragefor 100 million people through Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program. And with health insurance reforms and health care exchanges, we are improving health care and ensuring coverage for all Americans.

Medicaid Rules & Fund Limits
Medicaid Online Manual

Searchable version of the Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Manual and searchable Medicaid forms applicable to Louisiana

SSA's Program Operations Manual

This section of the SSA Program Policy Information Site contains the public version of the Program Operations Manual System (POMS). The POMS is a primary source of information used by Social Security employees to process claims for Social Security benefits.

2025 SSI and Spousal Impoverishment Standards

A listing of the income and resource cap limits effective in 2025 for determining financial eligibility for Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.

Federal Benefit Rates

Z-400 Charts from the Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Manual.

Organizations for Individuals with Disabilities
LARC of Lafayette
For over 60 years, LARC has been dedicated to serving the needs of people in Acadiana's community with developmental disabilities and their families. Throughout LARC’s existence, we have continually expanded to fully include the people we serve in the mainstream and workforce of the community.
ARC of Acadiana

The Arc of Acadiana is committed to securing for all people with developmental disabilities the opportunity to develop, function and live to their fullest potential.

Down Syndrome Association of Acadiana

The Down Syndrome Association of Acadiana provides support to persons with Down Syndrome, their families and friends through networking, promotion of positive public awareness, information sharing and advocacy.

Autism Society of Acadiana

We are Acadiana's support organization for everyone in our area affected by autism. If you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, neighbor, friend, service provider, doctor, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, or have any connection to the autism community, we are the support group for you. ASAC was founded in 1985. We provides places to meet, get information, and share experiences with families and individuals affected by autism.

Louisiana Citizens for Action Now (LaCAN)

LaCAN is a statewide grassroots network of individuals and families who have worked together since 1988 advocating for a system that supports individuals to live in their own homes rather than having to move to a facility to receive needed services.

Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council

The Council’s mission is to advocate for and support people with developmental disabilities to exercise control over their lives and participate fully in the community.

Families Helping Families of Acadiana
Our mission is to assist and strengthen individuals with disabilities and their families through a coordinated network of resources, services and supports.
LCG Committee on Disability Awareness
The duties of the committee, as defined by the resolution that formed it, are: to develop and channel information regarding disabled persons to the citizens of the community through the introduction of special activities; to work with all aspects of community life so that persons with disabilities will realize the rights and responsibilities afforded to all citizens; to receive recommendations, requests, and citizen complaints regarding problems affecting the disabled; to make advisory recommendations to the Lafayette City/Parish President and the Lafayette City/Parish Council regarding problems faced by the disabled which might be addressed by the Lafayette City/Parish Consolidated Government; to serve as an advisory panel to the Lafayette City/Parish President and the Lafayette City/Parish Council on new activities, legislation and procedures affecting the disabled; and to help increase opportunities for employment for persons with disabilities.
Bayou Land Families Helping Families

We are a group of families who, through our own experiences, promote peer support and advocacy and are committed to alleviating hardships of other families who have members with disabilities or special needs. The term, "special needs," includes physical, mental, emotional, behavioral and or academic issues.

Families Helping Families of Greater Baton Rouge
Families Helping Families of Greater Baton Rouge is a non-profit, family directed resource center for individuals with disabilities and their families. It is a place where families can go that is directed and staffed by parents or family members of children with disabilities or adults with disabilities. It is this common experience that gives Families Helping Families a very unique approach to serving families.
Families Helping Families of Southwest Louisiana

Our mission is to enable and empower individuals with disabilities and their families by providing information, referral, education, training, peer support, and advocacy skills. Our vision is that all individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to attend school, live, work, and play in their own community.

Families Helping Families of Northeast Louisiana
Families Helping Families of Northeast Louisiana, Inc. is a network of families in the Northeast Louisiana area who, because of their own experiences, became committed to reaching out to other families who have sons, daughters or grandchildren with special needs.
Northshore Families Helping Families

Serving St. Tammany, Washington, Tangipahoa, St. Helena and Livingston Parishes - Our mission is to provide the individualized services, information, resources and support to positively enhance the independence, productivity and inclusion of individuals with disabilities.

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